Unused Elements

Business Management System
Business Management System
We will work with you to develop a solid business plan your investors, partners and talented team member can easily get behind.
Financial Management System
We can help design a financial model unique to your business to help manage investments and financial cash flow requirements.
Business Process Optimization
Every investor wants to know you have the systems in place to manage consistency with growth. We can you build the foundation you will need as people change and requirements increase.
Human Capital Development
Some businesses need to have HR documents in order to receive financing or meet EEOC requirements. We have the knowledge and templates in place to make this process seamless.  
Implementation Assistance
As part of advancing our client's organization, we provide full service implementation and integration services. The industry type and corporate culture play an important role in determining deployment strategies for achieving breakthrough performance. Since clients often have other initiatives underway, Lean Business must be integrated with those efforts in a seamless fashion to ensure continuity and profitability of the organization.
Where is Your Starting Point? 
  • StartUp

    Many Entrepenuers have great ideas and many even believe that business will just come because their idea is so great.  But it take more than a great idea to launch a successful Start-Up business.   

  • Micro Business

    Micro businesses are companies with annual sales and assets valued at less than $250,000 per year and with fewer than five employees, including the owner

     More Information for Micro Businesses

  • Small

    The business is finally growing. You have more employees and possibly a few locations.  Sales are finally stadle over 2 million.  Looking to either stabilize current operation for sustainability or prepare for next growth cycle.

  • Medium

    On the low is of playing with the big dogs.  you have  100 plus employees to manage and sales of +50 millions shows you have arrived. Now you need structure to maintain or sustain growth potential.  Managing transition becomes critical.

  • Large

    For the past 15 years GDC has been helping large organzations gain the balance they need between operational excellence and cost savings. Once you reach the level of 1/2 Billion or over 500 tam members it becomes critical to define your continuous improvment efforts

  • Mega
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  • Operational Assessments

    Do you need help finding the starting point for your Lean journey?  For the past decade, GDC has been continuously developing and refining our business assessment tools to do exactly that—identify where you are today, where you want to be in the future, and what you need to do to get there!

    At GDC, we understand that our client’s needs are different; therefore we offer two types of assessments.  Our assessments are designed to give you the best possible feedback to make improvements within your organization.

    • The GAP Analysis
    • The Operational Assessment 

    Our patented assessment process considers current business state, corporate culture, organizational structure, and competitive environment.  We evaluate the effectiveness of the corporate strategy and the efficiency of operations.  Both assessments have been designed to analyze the key management areas of a business.

    Our assessments are designed to not only provide you with an analysis, but to also outline an implementable plan of action based on your specific needs and goals.  After you complete your assessment, you will have a plan to start implementing IMMEDIATELY!  Depending on your resource capacity, you can start implementing with your people or have GDC tailor a project plan to meet your specific needs.

    Contact us today to enquire about your Assessment Needs!

  • Strategic Deployment

    Do you ever wonder how to get your employees more engaged in fueling the success of your organization?  Do you not understand why your employees are unmotivated—after all you give them fair pay, job stability, and a great work environment? 

    The answer is simple…they don’t understand HOW they can help the organization achieve the goals set in place by top management.  Many organization communicate the high level goals, but unfortunately they are often too complex for  non-leadership employees to understand.  And if they do understand, they don’t understand their role in creating the improvement.

    At GDC, we deploy the strategy throughout the organization through the implementation of HOSHIN.  During Hoshin, executives start the process by identifying top-level goals.  The next step is to for the executive team to play catchball with the next level of management to select goals that will ensure the executive goals will be achieved.  This keeps happening until the floor-level employees are setting goals to ensure their supervisors are able to achieve their goals.  This process allows all goals, from the top executive team to the floor-level employees, to be in alignment.  It allows involves all member of the organization to be part of the goal setting process—which allows them to understand their specific role in achieving the organizational goals.  By engaging employees in this process the feel part of larger team, which will motivate them to fuel the success of the organization.

    Contact us today to enquire about your Aligning your Strategic Vision!

  • Implementation

    Over the past 10 years, GDC has been perfecting our systematic approach for implementing Lean improvements.  Our approach takes our clients down GDC’s recommended path to implementing and sustaining Lean tools and principles.   GDC’s path teaches organizations how to push forward through both successes and failure without losing focus of the ultimate goal.

    Assess the current situation, Train your employees with the knowledge to become a motivated and empowered workforce, Implement improvements, Measure success, Standardize best practices, Analyze opportunities, Adjust accordingly, and Transition for company sustainability.

    Although we have recommend path, each individual client has tailored implementation plan that varies based on their initial assessment and resource capacity.  As we are implementing, we work side by side with our clients' employees to ensure that they be engaged and able to keep the momentum moving forward. 

    Keeping the momentum moving forward and sustaining the improvements is the most difficult part of the Lean journey for many organizations. Without a systematic approach, organizations struggle to keep pushing forward. When faced with obstacles many organizations change direction and move to the next exciting flavor of the month; but any company who has successfully begun their lean journey knows the road blocks and obstacles must be attacked and overcome.

    Contact us today to enquire about your Implementation Needs!

  • Project Mentoring

    Many of our clients have already begun projects, but need assistance with some aspect of deployment or implementation. Our Mentoring program has been designed to provide concentrated, on-site support and coaching to management teams and/or associates needing direction.

    Our Mentoring program takes two basic forms:

    1. On an as-needed basis to review, observe, or coach performance
    2. On a regular, on-going basis (i.e. assessment of the status of the Business Operating System, bi-weekly analysis of team problem-solving efforts, facilitation of Kaizen events, seeing a specific project through to fruition, etc.) 

    Whether you need GDC for one day or one year, our mentoring program allows us to focus on individual issues or projects while providing expert guidance that produces results.

    Contact us today to enquire about your Project Mentoring Needs!

  • Transformation Services

    Keeping the momentum moving forward and sustaining the improvements is the most difficult part of the Lean journey for many organizations. Without a systematic approach, organizations struggle to keep pushing forward. When faced with obstacles many organizations change direction and move to the next exciting flavor of the month. But any company who has successfully begun their Lean journey understands the road blocks and obstacles must be attacked and overcome.

    We offer clients the ability to choose a tailored approach for developing in-house experts to implement process improvement and business transformations. Most organizations have the talent in place, but not necessarily the skills. With proper development and guidance, your team will take over the program from us in a very short time period.

    Because client issues are often unique, implementation plans should be tailored to meet those specific needs. We work closely with you to develop a plan that fits your organization's budget, talent, culture, and knowledge.

    Our program is created for organizations needing to rapidly transform from current state to world-class Lean business, our planning team will:

    • Assess your current operation
    • Develop a transition strategy given real world constraints (cash flow, resources, etc.)
    • Implement changes identified
    • Transition the business back to your management team

    For very specific problems, we can deploy our experts to your site for project based business process improvement. Examples of such assignments are:

    • Establishing new or improve existing manufacturing cells, including layout, production system implementation, and technical process improvement.
    • Creating detailed asset management and depletion strategies, including establishment of optimum inventory levels by part number.

    Contact us today to enquire about starting your Transformation!

  • Crisis Management

    The key to crisis management is to immediately identify, structure and weigh a problem to arrive at a feasible solution. In times of crisis our battle-tested crisis management services provide the support needed to quickly make the right decisions. We have a proven track-record of helping companies successfully deal with financial problems.

    Our services at a glance:

    • Analysis of the current situation and the need for action
    • Analysis of process-relevant channels and potential sources of problems
    • Developing a restructuring plan with ad hoc measures
    • Support in implementing the restructuring and consolidation process

    Contact us today to enquire about your Crisis Management Needs!

There is only one constant in today’s robust business world—CHANGE! 

Is your organization struggling to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the marketplace?

 Are you struggling to identify a distinctive edge over your competition? 
When working with clients we have two main goals:
  • Create an environment that embraces, fosters and drives change
  • Mentor, train and develop your team to ensure that improvements will be sustained in the future

Issues facing start-ups vary drastically, depending on the type of startup, the product and the financial backing you start with. 

For the two decades GDC has been helping start-ups gain the confidence they need from the business perspective to move their product or service forward with our HOLOS Leadership System.

Looking for examples of our work?  Trying to identify if we can help you grow your venture?

Is your strategic plan connected throughout your organization? Are you able to engage employees at every level of the organization to focus on achieving the strategic goals and objectives? Has your internal process been optimized to produce according to your customers’ expectations? Are you struggling to identify your Return on Investment and your true operational cost? We have your solution!

Based on our many years of experience implementing, researching and developing business systems across the globe, we have developed the HOLOS Leadership System, a module based system that combines all of the key business areas and management system essentials to plan, implement and grow any business. It’s able to accomplish this by focusing of the three most important aspects of an organization – Its Patrons - Its Processes - and Its People.

HOLOS Leadership Systems is designed to provide organizations with a holistic approach to change management intended to transform the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of the organization so that it can better adapt to new technologies, markets, challenges, and the increasing rate of change itself. HOLOS is not to be considered "a training function of an organization"; it is a highly developed change management system designed to bring about the following outcomes:

  • Better Quality of Life
  • Continuously Evolving Culture
  • Less Managing – More Mentoring
  • Transforming of Organization into a Learning Institution

Lean Certification

Our programs are designed to grow the "best and brightest" individuals into Lean champions. Participants will broaden their knowledge base, sharpen their teaching and mentoring skills, and develop their leadership skills. Individuals successfully completing our programs will be groomed to replace our experts, and continue the Process Improvement program. 
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Leadership Workshops

GDC’s Lean University offers both the technical content of Lean Conversion and the Professional Skills necessary for successful implementation. Our Lean Leadership Skills Training focuses on interpersonal skills as opposed to concrete skills.
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Lean Tool Workshops

For those organizations wanting specific training, GDC offers a wide variety of highly interactive workshops that are designed to provide classroom education for the technical development skills that supplement current improvement initiatives.
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Customized BMS Solutions

For every organization the strategic management process helps identify what they intend to achieve and how they will accomplish valued outcomes. The magnitude of the challenge is even greater today than it was a couple of years ago. A new competitive landscape is developing as a result of the never-ending technological revolution and increasing globalization.

In business as a whole we have a hard time focusing.  We can write Strategic Plans all day long, but if we don’t get in sync with each other quickly we will not be able to compete in this never-ending technological revolution.  As we see it, only the strong, team-focused organizations will survive.

There is always a lot of lip service on improving the process, but very little action in regards to decreasing our processing and throughput issues.  We have to ask ourselves, “What are we doing to improve our bottom line?"  The answer is quite simple...the HOLOS LEAN OPERATING SYSTEM.

The “Lean Operating System” (LOS) helps entrepreneurs, management and executives draft, implement, execute and evaluate the strategic decisions that will enable the organization to achieve its short and long-term objectives. If an organization's improvement efforts are not aligned with business goals and objectives it will be very difficult to sustain. Without a defined plan and a way to convey that plan, there will be no clear destination to head towards.

An analogy for LOS is to think of your company on a journey toward a specific destination. LOS is the tool to help you first determine the final destination and secondly define how to get there!  This will allow organizations to shift through and beyond their current business paradigm and create a new one that embraces beneficial change. It’s important to start your change process by aligning everyone and making sure they are all heading in the same direction.

An important part of preparing to reach this final destination is:

  • Create breakthrough experiences that forge innovative growth within the organization.
  • Define Business Fundamentals to sustain incremental operational improvements in productivity.
  • Provide your team with a clear message and purpose – creating leverage for everyone to fully engage in the change process.
  • Learn to create balanced scorecards used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives.

Business Management System (BMS) for Start ups

We will work with you to develop a solid business plan your investors, partners and talented team member can easily get behind.

Business Management System (BMS) for Micro Businesses

We will work with you to develop or enhance your business plan to ensure all team members understand their role in the sustainment or growth of the organization.

Business Management System (BMS) for Small Businesses

As organizations grow, keeping employees engagement and committed is essential to strong teamwork.  We will work with you to develop a strategic plan that incorporates ALL employees- allowing them to help drive the success of the organization. 

Business Management System (BMS) for Medium Businesses

As organizations grow the strategic improvements are broken into two categories Business Fundamentals (improvments made to current processes) and Breakthrough Inciatives (improvements to break into new markets or product offerings).  We can help you identify the perfect balance that will allow you to sustain your current processes while focusing on large changes that will bring growth and prosperity in the future for the organization.

Business Management System (BMS) for Large Businesses

One of the most common problems we see in Large and Mega organizations the miscommunication of organizational strategies.  All team members must understand the "value" that they bring the customer and organization, they must understand their personal roles in achieving the strategic goals of the organization.  We can work with your leadership team to implement a strategic planning process that will ensure all employees (from CEO to janitor) understand what they need to achieve at every level to ensure everyone is working towards one common goal.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
Contact Us Now!
Today many businesses of all sizes are struggling with decisions to keep up with the ever-changing demands, new rules and regulations of the marketplace.    
Are you struggling to identify a distinctive edge for your offerings over your competition? 
Are your team members engaged and helping the organization achieve your strategic goals?     
Be it significant risk decisions which are more influential on your overall business such as  "How do I restart once this COVID-19 virus epidemic starts to subside?" or small decisions without significant effect on your business as a whole, like "How can I get my team members more engaged in helping the organization achieve our strategic goals?"    With GDC as your business partner, you will know your making the right decisions!   Click here to learn more 

When working with clients we offer three points of engagement:

Deploy                                                                       Guide                                                                    Change
                     Solutions                                                                   Leaders                                                                  Culture                      
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